
Thursday 17 June 2010

The Rainbow of my Life

I just made this up...
"The rainbow of my life, my friends you are the colour, my God you are the sun and my family you the raindrops!"

Just wanted to let all my friends and loved ones know that I appreciate you and you are important to me! I don't know what I would do with out y'all.

Recently been reminiscing and thinking of all the good times past, and the memories that have been made, I've been thinking about my life and the morals and standards I set out for my life NOW will be what I stick to for the rest of my life...They will be my memories.

Although I realise I'm far from prefect now I'm setting goals to reach the sky's, because as my pastor says,
"If you don't look where you are going you will go where you are looking."
So instead of staring at the ground I've decided to set me some goals. I want to change some things in my life and I wanted to share this with anyone who cares to read this, I encourage set yourself some goals and remember to shoot for the sky's!

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