
Tuesday 29 June 2010

Back to Reality

Just a reality check for me, looking at my blog posts I've realised I could so just call my blog, 'life' because that's all I seem to talk about. But really that's just what goes on in my head.

But in reality (outside my head, if I'm talking about my blog that is) my birthday is in 4 days, my party in 2 and I leave for Hong Kong in 6 days! I spent today at Koorong with my friend and mum and her friend.

My holidays (which is really the first week because the next week and the next I spend in Hong Kong) are PACKED! But that's good at least I know I'm living my life to 'full'. =D

Another reality check is that my friend, Jacinta, (who lives in Vanuatu, she moved at the start of the year), is gone. She's not on a long holiday, but I won't see her for another year or so, probably. It's hitting me hard knowing that we were so close and now in a literal sense she's far away.

So now birthday wishes are sent through the mail along with virtual kisses and hugs through the internet. Though I praise God because if this were 10 years ago there would have been no such thing as 'Skype' and 'Facebook'. I can 'feel' close to her even though kilometres of ocean separate us.

Even with this I can feel peace because I know that if I don't see her again in this earthly life, I WILL see her again one heaven.

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