
Sunday 13 June 2010


Hey peoples, what's goin' on in all your worlds. Well mines spinning round in circles, with teenage love and drama...oh the pain of this hard life and to think it's only beginning....

Life, I heard it once described in a book I read,
'Tis something to be enjoyed...'
My life right now... would you call it enjoyable? It's spinning round in circles... guess what a circle is round. So really in going nowhere other than in circles...

Ha ha, I just looked at my blog so far and I've left you with a lot of 'dot, dot, dots (...)' that probably means I'm thinking bout' someone/thing but I don't want y'all to find out so I'm just gonna leave you hanging.(..)

What is my interpretation of life? Well life is...

iving everyday
In love, and sometimes I
Find I get a bit confused...but I'll continue to live
Everyday to the glory of my saviour, Jesus!

Well, hey, that's life.

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