
Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Countdown Begins...

The countdown begins! One day till my party, three days till my birthday and five days till I go to Hong Kong!

Wow, everything is getting close now...even still reality hasn't completely set in yet, and I don't think it will until friends start to arrive, presents are opened and I board that big ol' plane.

But even with everything going on I will make time to write to you dear readers! =D

Hmm, what else should I mention... oh yeah Koorong was GREAT!

If you don't know me and are just simply reading my blog (which I don't think is like likely...let me know if you are) I LOVE music and I have a new fave artist Sarah Reeves, y'all should check her out.

But other than her I got three other artists as well, Krystal Meyers, Revive and Barlowgirl...all great artists as well.

Not much else, be sure to fill y'all in soon about my part-ay and travels in Hong Kong!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Back to Reality

Just a reality check for me, looking at my blog posts I've realised I could so just call my blog, 'life' because that's all I seem to talk about. But really that's just what goes on in my head.

But in reality (outside my head, if I'm talking about my blog that is) my birthday is in 4 days, my party in 2 and I leave for Hong Kong in 6 days! I spent today at Koorong with my friend and mum and her friend.

My holidays (which is really the first week because the next week and the next I spend in Hong Kong) are PACKED! But that's good at least I know I'm living my life to 'full'. =D

Another reality check is that my friend, Jacinta, (who lives in Vanuatu, she moved at the start of the year), is gone. She's not on a long holiday, but I won't see her for another year or so, probably. It's hitting me hard knowing that we were so close and now in a literal sense she's far away.

So now birthday wishes are sent through the mail along with virtual kisses and hugs through the internet. Though I praise God because if this were 10 years ago there would have been no such thing as 'Skype' and 'Facebook'. I can 'feel' close to her even though kilometres of ocean separate us.

Even with this I can feel peace because I know that if I don't see her again in this earthly life, I WILL see her again one heaven.

Monday 28 June 2010


My friend has recently had a baby, Kyra, another friend is due soon, and my sister, her due date is drawing near as well.

As I held Kyra Sunday night, ad looked upon her tiny face, cherry cheeks and rosebud mouth. The look of purity and innocence and peace was like none I'd seen before.

Today's world and generation is far from what I saw on that baby's face, our world is filled with all sorts of immoral things, which I couldn't even begin to list.

As chattering and laughing swirled me and that baby girl, she slept in complete peace, unaware of all the things going on around her. If only we as Christians could just 'tune out' to the things of the world and 'sleep' in peace.

But obviously we can't as you get older and older you become aware of everything that goes on around you. Even as a toddler you no longer hold the innocence you did as a baby, one of the first words the children learn is 'no'.
"Do you want to do this?" "No", "Come here", "NO"! As you can see this is FAR from innocent.
In this world today you can't be innocent. There are always going to be things that you simply can't 'sleep' around, you'll wake up and realise the reality. But even with these distractions we shouldn't just give it away either, yeah sure, there are things that you and I can't hide but just because we live in an immoral world we should NOT let the devil lead us to believe that we have to be part of it/them.

Sometimes I hear/see things that make me feel dirty, and really I can't NOT hear/see them their right there! But even with this sense of 'sprirtual innoncence' beeing gone I live in peace knowing that Jesus' blood can freely wash over me and remove any stains that may have left from that experiance.

Friday 25 June 2010


This evening we had a prayer meeting at church, and God moved mightily but there one was one prayer earnestly prayed that just stuck in my mind.
..."God, don't let me be ashamed of the gospel and of the truth, I'm desperate for the hearts and salvation of people that don't know you, God, I'm willing to do whatever it takes"...

As I sat there and listened with tears streaming down my face the thought kept going over and over in my head, am I willing to do WHATEVER it takes?

I am responsible for the salvation of the people I meet and do not tell them about God and his mercies. Not everyone is going to listen me, not everyone will believe but if I don't step out and plant the seed in their hearts then they may never see heaven, and the mercies of God.

If you think that I'm over-exaggerating or judging your life, I'm talking to myself, this is to me. I need to do this, and I'm sharing this with you all, to encourage you...

Whatever it takes, this may mean life or death, no, this is life or death, heaven or hell.

When I say Lord, do whatever it takes I'm saying, Lord, have COMPLETE control. There are people in this world that need you so bad, Lord they are desperate, I'm willing to be you vessel to reach this generation,

Whatever it takes. This is my prayer. Jesus, have your way.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


Secrets, this is a word we all like to hear, it's like we all just love to know something nobody else knows. Am I right?

Something one friend told me was that if I told her my 'secrets' she'd tell me hers. Personally I don't see the point in this type of 'secret swap'. It's like even though I trust you with my secrets I'm not going to tell you unless you tell me!?

What's the point? If I have a secret and am willing to tell someone I trust there should be no limits. It's not supposed to be a bribe.

The other pain of this method of 'secret swapping' is that if you tell them say 3 secrets and they tell you 4 you apparently owe them a secret!?! What's with that?

Anyways, if I know you, NEVER do this to me =D. Just tell me the secret...=D

Saturday 19 June 2010

Heading to the Sky's

I don't know if you know but my sister, Nicole, is pregnant her second baby this one another little girl. If you want to check her blog click here.

Anyways, to fill you in she got married, moved to Hong Kong, where she had her first daughter Lana Joy. Throughout that time period of about five years we have been to Hong Kong and they have come back to Australia.

As my holidays are coming up we have planned a trip to Hong Kong. Sadly dad can't come as he has to work, and mum? Well she's going for the birth which is about 2 weeks after me. So I will once more, head to the sky's to see my family.

I'll be over for two weeks and even though I'm going in the holidays I will end up missing the first two days back at school. It was that or missing my 13th Birthday Party, I really wanted to spend that time with my Friends so I vouched for the other option.

I'm looking forward toward the sky's because hey, in a couple of weeks you might look at plane and that could be me staring at you from one of the small aeroplane windows.

Thursday 17 June 2010

The Rainbow of my Life

I just made this up...
"The rainbow of my life, my friends you are the colour, my God you are the sun and my family you the raindrops!"

Just wanted to let all my friends and loved ones know that I appreciate you and you are important to me! I don't know what I would do with out y'all.

Recently been reminiscing and thinking of all the good times past, and the memories that have been made, I've been thinking about my life and the morals and standards I set out for my life NOW will be what I stick to for the rest of my life...They will be my memories.

Although I realise I'm far from prefect now I'm setting goals to reach the sky's, because as my pastor says,
"If you don't look where you are going you will go where you are looking."
So instead of staring at the ground I've decided to set me some goals. I want to change some things in my life and I wanted to share this with anyone who cares to read this, I encourage set yourself some goals and remember to shoot for the sky's!

Sunday 13 June 2010


Hey peoples, what's goin' on in all your worlds. Well mines spinning round in circles, with teenage love and drama...oh the pain of this hard life and to think it's only beginning....

Life, I heard it once described in a book I read,
'Tis something to be enjoyed...'
My life right now... would you call it enjoyable? It's spinning round in circles... guess what a circle is round. So really in going nowhere other than in circles...

Ha ha, I just looked at my blog so far and I've left you with a lot of 'dot, dot, dots (...)' that probably means I'm thinking bout' someone/thing but I don't want y'all to find out so I'm just gonna leave you hanging.(..)

What is my interpretation of life? Well life is...

iving everyday
In love, and sometimes I
Find I get a bit confused...but I'll continue to live
Everyday to the glory of my saviour, Jesus!

Well, hey, that's life.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

I'm Blu' with the Flu!

The flu is the worst! I'm stuck with this thing for probably a week...blocked nose, clogged ears foggy head, the WHOLE deal.

Right now i really should be in bed but I wanted to share my 'situation' with you. My brain is in overload and I'm thankful fir my mum, "No school for you tomorrow" she said. Even though I want to be with my friends really bad I will live with the fact that I really don't to feel the way I feel.

Have you ever heard the saying
'Sharing is caring'
Well in the case sharing is the complete opposite of caring! Caring involves love and I can tell you there is no love whatsoever with this baby. So my advice to you, please if you are ever sick in general PLEASE don't come near me because this is the worst!

And just for my personal satisfaction let me say one more thing, "I an SO blue with the flu".

Sunday 6 June 2010

What To Wear?

Sunday mornings are rushed. You hop out of the shower just in time get dressed, do your hair, put on your shoes, clean your teeth and then with only on minute to spare you jump in the car hoping that everything has been done, all is ready and not a hair out of place.

This is what goes on at my house most Sunday mornings. Yes for guys this may be hard to understand or comprehend, maybe even some girls. So right now I'm giving you a glimpse of my mind...evey Sunday morning.

To avoid some havoc late Saturday night I'll lay out what I want to wear in the morning. On most occasions I'll put it on in the morning and what I think looks good on bed I find, it doesn't sit right or something else and will end up spending another 10 minutes finding something else to wear.

I'll hop in the shower and get dressed just in time to hear dad say, "We're leaving in 5 minutes!" everything is sped up then and you rush around the house doing this, finding that. Finally I'm ready. I rush down the stairs and end up outside, just when mum is locking up.

"Wait, wait", I'll say as I remember that I didn't get my jacket in the rush to get out the door. Up the stairs I run once more hoping that I'll make it, I grab the jacket and as fast I can without falling down the stairs I run, jacket in one had, shoes in the other.

We're all finally seated in the car and our energy dies down, but the thought left in our heads as drive down the street is, "Oh boy, I have to do that next week".

Saturday 5 June 2010

Something to do...

I've previously had blogs/websites and I just haven't been able to continue them, it's like I get bored with it all. But yet again I'm going to try and start blog I can finish. So beware to all who read this it may not go far, but hey, all I can do is try =D.

Every afternoon when I come home I do my homework and all that kind of jazz, then I head to the computer desperately trying to find something to do with my time. So here I am on Blogger, hoping I can finally fill my time with something worthwhile.

At home on a lovely Saturday, what do you do? Any suggestions? Hmm, there's probably heaps, let's think am I actually bothered to do any? =D

Last night at youth, Bro. Bill was talking about Sodom and Gomorrah. I'm not really going to go into it all, but one thing he said really stuck in my mind,
He said, "There has never been a generation at ANY time in the history of the world with so much leisure time".
I thought about it and realized that I have too much time, so much that I don't even know what to to with it all. As I often say to my mum when I have friends over and I don't know what to do, "I'm so bored, too bored to do anything". It's when you get too the stage of OVER-bored-ness, you're just to bored to do ANYTHING. There really should be a cure for this type of thing.

But anyway through all that all I really wanted to say is that I hope with writing this blog I can fill my time, while I'm giving something for you guys to read!