
Saturday 3 July 2010

Happy Birthday to ME! (2 days till H.K.)

Today is a special day, a milestone, a memory... Today is the first of many hopefully happy days as a teenager.

So happy birthday to me, I'm not 103 but thirteen today!

Just to let you know before I go eat my VERY delicious dinner, the party was awesome! And thanks to my wonderful father we were able to have a home theatre for a night!

And also to warn you NEVER under any circumstance watch 'Bran Nue Day' it is NOT worth watching not bad just lame, not stereotyping Aussie movies or anything but this is just HORRIBLE!

In comparison or not even comparison Alice in Wonderland was GREAT, it was really, really good. It's a great family movie and I totally recommend it to everyone!

And to end on another happy note, my birthday was also AWESOME fun, I spent the day shopping in Wollongong with some friends from church.

Also to send a BIG thank-you to everyone out there today for the calls and pressies I appreciate you and your thoughts.

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