
Tuesday 6 July 2010

The Flight

Hey just a quick update to everyone out there 'anxious' to hear how I'm going...and whether I arrived safely or not...well I think that much is now obvious as I'm writing to you.

The flight was smooth and without much turbulence and the only downers that I had was that when we actually going to begin boarding the plane hadn't shown up at the the changed our gate to another Qantas gate WITH a plane so that made us a little bit late though (about an hour).

My seat was good mainly because I had a window seat and it was so beautiful and clear as we flew over several different countries I was just in awe of God's beautiful creation! Seriously it was AMAZING! I guess that might just be one of those thing that you have to see for yourself, right?

But anyway I am now safe in Hong Kong, and just thought I would give, y'all an update. See you i two weeks!

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