
Tuesday 19 October 2010

No longer Seedlings...

Do you guys remember when I posted about my baby seedlings? (If not you can read that blog here). Well, they're growing up fast and strong! I think my thumb is beginning to show the faintest green =D.

I brought in the first of my crop yesterday, I had a small bundle of bright green spinach, along with some mint, as well as half-a-basket-full of rocket...(it's growing REALLY well).

But not just the Rocket but everything in my garden seems to be going well...Thank-you Lord! So I'll put up some pics to show you all just that...

My Rocket, Spinach and Mint...
My overgrown fruit trees that are in need of a trim, but we're gonna have to wait until after it's given us all of it's fruit...which are heavy laden it's branches...
My beans, my beans! Look how big you have grown!
My tomatoes are also growing well, and have now been staked up for extra flowers yet.
And last of all my strawberries, in amongst the jungle of leaves and stalks there are many little green strawberries that I can't wait to sink my teeth into...(when they're ripe of course).
So yeah, hopefully my garden will keep all this growing up! Can't wait until all is ripened and ready to eat!

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