
Monday, 30 August 2010

My Song

In Psalm 118:14 it says,
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory."
I didn't know how many of you would know, but I am entering a school talent quest tomorrow (:-s) and as we were doing our family bible reading this even my eyes wandered across the page to this particular verse.

It really stuck with me for some reason. It's like, God you are MY life-song. All that I do, is you. It has all been planned and pre-destined by YOU! You are my strength, when I am weak, you are my song, AND...

He has given us the victory!!! Aren't we a blessed people. Anyway, I am entering into a school talent quest tomorrow, I am going to be playing my song...which I have written to God's glory.

Wait, wait, wait. What did I just say?
"Playing my song..."
In that verse I just shared with you it specifically said that GOD is my song. So this song that I have written from my heart is not my song but God's! This is HIS song! May it be used to honor him.

So yeah, please pray for me, that God's light will been seen through me and that this talent quest would not be about saying "Wow, she's good/bad", but will be about God, how God has been glorified through this situation.

I'll just share the words to my song with you, be blessed:

Who said that I could be forgiven?
You said, Lord, you said.
Who said that I could be made whole again?
You said, Lord, you said

As far as the east is from the west
As high as the heavens above the earth
Our sins are gone
His mercy’s shown among us.

Who said that the enemy would be defeated?
You said, Lord, you said.
Who said that you’d fill me overflowing?
You said, Lord, you said.

As far as the east is from the west
As high as the heavens above the earth
Our sins are gone
His mercy’s shown among us

I will praise you O God for you are Holy
I will praise you O God for you are Worthy
And I’m gonna praise You Lord
I’m gonna praise You.

As far as the east is from the west
As high as the heavens above the earth
Our sins are gone
His mercy’s shown among us

Our sins are gone
His mercy’s shown among us

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