
Wednesday 18 August 2010

40 Hour Famine

Hey, I just wanted to give all my readers a warning. I'll be doing the 40 hour famine from 7:00pm this evening till 11:00am on Friday.

I'll be fasting from all computer use, (Unless I need to do something for school) and going without food.

Last year I reached my goal of $80.00, this year I'd like to get higher...over and above. But I can't do it on my own.

All will be appreciated, all is needed! Let's fight the global food crisis together! Thank-you all SO SO much.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK!!! wont get this comment until after it's it doesnt really make sense....but oh well!
    maybe ill send you a donation...if i can find some money!
    love you and miss you
