The 'ideal' and the 'inevitable', we hear both so often in our busy lives, but how often do we take these into account...WHEN do we take these things to account?
Let me tell you when, let me tell you where, let me tell you why and how.
Well for starters we only seem to notice these when they come into place, not so much the ideal part, more-so the inevitable. When this happens you can't do anything BUT notice.
As you all know I was at my Nan's yesterday, and was supposed to come home yesterday...but the inevitable occurred, as it would when everything seems to be going according to plan. But that's what gets me, it's only a plan it's nothing more, it's only a plan.
Anyway, now we get to why, well my Nan fell down her little garden steps, fractured her arm, had to get a cast, so we stayed another night to give any assistance, in all of this Nan ends up coming home with us...
I found all this out in one millisecond (not literally) it hit me in the face big time, I was not happy, and still am trying to comprehend it all. I had youth last night, I wanted to go to that but the inevitable got in the way of our plans. (B.T.W I never got to go to youth).
But get this when I think about it the ideal are my earthly plans, the inevitable is God-approved-knows-exactly-what-he's-doing plans. You can kinda see which is the better one.
Even though my Nan fractured her arm, that's DEFINITELY not good, but you know what? God IS! He know's what he's doing and what is going to come from this situation, though it may be harder for me to accept now, in the end God is in control and I just have to let him take the lead.
Anyway, plans were a little bit messed up but that's OK, I had fun today, me and dad got out into our overgrown garden and have now got it all under control, ready to plant some little seedlings for SPRING!
The passion fruit vine was EVERYWHERE now it's been trimmed and is within it's boundaries.

Our dirt, REALLY fertile at the moment...YAY!

My Garden, all cleaned up now.

Mango tree....

Strawberries in the first pot, and several varieties of tomatoes in the rest!

We're gonna get a good crop this year, can't wait!
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