
Tuesday, 19 October 2010

No longer Seedlings...

Do you guys remember when I posted about my baby seedlings? (If not you can read that blog here). Well, they're growing up fast and strong! I think my thumb is beginning to show the faintest green =D.

I brought in the first of my crop yesterday, I had a small bundle of bright green spinach, along with some mint, as well as half-a-basket-full of rocket...(it's growing REALLY well).

But not just the Rocket but everything in my garden seems to be going well...Thank-you Lord! So I'll put up some pics to show you all just that...

My Rocket, Spinach and Mint...
My overgrown fruit trees that are in need of a trim, but we're gonna have to wait until after it's given us all of it's fruit...which are heavy laden it's branches...
My beans, my beans! Look how big you have grown!
My tomatoes are also growing well, and have now been staked up for extra flowers yet.
And last of all my strawberries, in amongst the jungle of leaves and stalks there are many little green strawberries that I can't wait to sink my teeth into...(when they're ripe of course).
So yeah, hopefully my garden will keep all this growing up! Can't wait until all is ripened and ready to eat!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Canberra Pics...

Sorry about the delay in this post, but here it is. I've still got plenty...lots... GAZILLIONS more. So this is kind of like a preview to what it was like and how the grounds were etc. So yeah, hope you enjoy the pics of my day at Floriade!

The sign coming in...isn't it HUGE...the grounds I mean.

They had a display of decorated knomes...ain't it cute!

The 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road' theme.

These really cool but really weird flowers...

The ferris wheel...

The grounds...
And again....
You remember those gorgeous little flowers from my last post? This is it! So yeah, I had a good time and God blessed us with a beautiful day, clear blue skies, blazing sun...thank-you Lord!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Catching Up

OK, this post has taken me a while to publish and for that I'm sorry. It's taken me a while to actually get on a computer. I'll try and combine the last couple of days in this post, make sure I put up some yeah hopefully I'll be able to catch up on it all.

So yeah here goes...

We made our way down to Pambula, it was a long three hour drive, through flat plains, down a mountain...all in all it was just tiring.

But thank goodness we didn't leave straight away first we made our way to Floriade. Again like in Bowral the flowers were GORGEOUS! All out in bloom but because we made it to the festival a little late some...or a lot of the flowers were wilting/browning. But that's OK the majority of the flowers were in great condition.

I took plenty of pictures and most of the time I was left to trail behind while my mum and aunt wandered up on ahead. They had several different displays on, such as the 'Follow the yellow (yallo =D) brick road', 'Cloud dreaming', 'Aladdin's lamp', 'Native Garden' etc.

In each of the displays they placed the flowers out so that when looked at from above their shape and format will look like the theme...get it?

So that was all really nice, and at the end we decided to go onto the Ferris wheel, to get just a nice view of the whole thing. It was great we could see what all or most of the designs and themes were supposed to be, and supposed to be seen was quite something to see all the designs and such.

After Floriade, we made our way to Pambula, which I've already said was a long tiring drive. Anyway we were warmly welcomed my my Aunt and Uncle, and for a while we just sat catching up, eating chips and cheese and crackers.

It was really nice. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching the Commonwealth games, dinner was great. My Aunt had made a homemade was SO good. At around eleven we made our way to bed.

I slept really well, woke up late (as usual, I'm always the last one up) to the smells of brekky. They put on a feast for us! Bacon, eggs and was really good. We didn't stay at their home for much longer after that.

My Aunt showed us around Pambula for a little while and then we began the long 6 hour journey home. I think I managed better then, in that trip than I did when we were going to Pambula from Canberra!

We didn't do the trip in one big chunk we stopped twice on the way home, once to look around Mogo town, and the next to have dinner in Nowra. Mogo town has to be one of my favorite places to go too. I just love the whole town and the feel it has about it. Whenever we go camping we always go there for a look around, buy some know?

So we stayed in Mogo for about an hour then headed back to the car. On the way home I kept on seeing these gorgeous pinky-purple flowers on the side of the road...I liked them so much that I told (asked politely) mum to pull over and let me pick some!

Which she did...I love you mum! They were really pretty as I guessed, so I took some pictures and picked 5 little flowers...other than the fact that they stunk, it was really nice. About half an hour later one of the flowers petals started falling off, then the next and the next until I had none left *tear*.

So that was the end of least I got some pictures. So by the time my last wilted flower dropped it's petals we were in Nowra. Where we stopped and had wraps at Opporto. YUMMM!

40 minutes later we arrived home, ahhh it's such a nice feeling. So that's where my little expedition ends...sorry this post took so long to write. I'll make sure I post some pictures soon.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Canberra - Day 1

Well, it was a long trip down here... three hours if not more. But I think I did well. Usually I hate travelling in a car for a long amount of time (a long amount of time is the equivalent to and hour or more). Your skirt rides up, your feet go to sleep, your hair goes funny... Ohhh the pain! The trauma!

Anyway, I managed this time along. We were about to walk out the door, when what do you know? The phone rings. So we answer (obviously), turns out it's my unlce. He wants us to deliver something to my aunt who is a marriage celebrant, because she is marrying my second cousin.

They were a little late so we ended up being delayed at my uncle's house for another hour. So when we arrived at my aunt's house another three hours later, it was too late to go to Floriade this afternoon. So we're going to go tomorrow instead.

Soo, it's been good, we've kicked back and we watched the Commonwealth Games, I did my nails, so they are all filed and beautiful now. Looking forward to a delicious baked dinner, and tasting the cream sauce my aunt has been raving about all afternoon. Smell delicious.

Soo will hope to write tomorrow about our adventures at Floriade, and the long trip to Pambula. Looking forward to what the day will bring.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Hey, yesterday me , my Nan, mum and dad made our way up to Bowral (about half and hour to an hour from my place) to meet up with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins who were going to take Nan home with them back up to Mardi.

Anyway it turns out that we were early and my Aunt, Uncle and cousins were running about half and hour late. Meaning that we had about 40 minutes to spare.

It was rainy, overcast and freezing, I was ready for lots of sun and had only a T-shirt excuse?
"Well it was nice and sunny at home!"
So yeah I was cold. But I think that once you've been in the cold for a while it kind of numbs you, and you don't really feel it. I mean if all you care about is being warm then you would have died, but I didn't really think about it so I was all good.

Anyway we had 40 minutes to spare...what is there to do in Bowral? Well, as you should know it's spring over here...(gorgeous) and Bowral is famous for it's tulips. So were went to Corbett Gardens, where they had a simply GLORIOUS display of tulips and a few other was simply beautiful.

I did take photo' a a few.

Weren't they pretty! They are only a few but my, you can really see God's creative efforts can't you?

Sunday, 3 October 2010


My garden as you saw in my last post is nice and fertile ready for planting, so today we went seedling shopping.

We came home arms full of precious baby seedlings. We bought herbs, spinach, cucumber, rocket, flowers and I'm sure I've missed more than half of the other seedlings we bought.

I love gardens, gardening, flowers, I just love it!

So yeah looking forward to planting, then watering, weeding, then through all that I hope to harvest as well.

YAY, for spring...I love you!

My baby case you didn't guess that already =D.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

The 'Ideal' and The 'Inevitable'

The 'ideal' and the 'inevitable', we hear both so often in our busy lives, but how often do we take these into account...WHEN do we take these things to account?

Let me tell you when, let me tell you where, let me tell you why and how.

Well for starters we only seem to notice these when they come into place, not so much the ideal part, more-so the inevitable. When this happens you can't do anything BUT notice.

As you all know I was at my Nan's yesterday, and was supposed to come home yesterday...but the inevitable occurred, as it would when everything seems to be going according to plan. But that's what gets me, it's only a plan it's nothing more, it's only a plan.

Anyway, now we get to why, well my Nan fell down her little garden steps, fractured her arm, had to get a cast, so we stayed another night to give any assistance, in all of this Nan ends up coming home with us...

I found all this out in one millisecond (not literally) it hit me in the face big time, I was not happy, and still am trying to comprehend it all. I had youth last night, I wanted to go to that but the inevitable got in the way of our plans. (B.T.W I never got to go to youth).

But get this when I think about it the ideal are my earthly plans, the inevitable is God-approved-knows-exactly-what-he's-doing plans. You can kinda see which is the better one.

Even though my Nan fractured her arm, that's DEFINITELY not good, but you know what? God IS! He know's what he's doing and what is going to come from this situation, though it may be harder for me to accept now, in the end God is in control and I just have to let him take the lead.

Anyway, plans were a little bit messed up but that's OK, I had fun today, me and dad got out into our overgrown garden and have now got it all under control, ready to plant some little seedlings for SPRING!

The passion fruit vine was EVERYWHERE now it's been trimmed and is within it's boundaries.
Our dirt, REALLY fertile at the moment...YAY!
My Garden, all cleaned up now.
Mango tree....
Strawberries in the first pot, and several varieties of tomatoes in the rest!
We're gonna get a good crop this year, can't wait!

Friday, 1 October 2010

Planning For Holidays

Holidays are now in full blown motion and going faster than you could imagine!

We spent the first few days in relaxation, or in other words we were lazy couch potatoes all day long! Well don't know about mum or dad (who was at work) but for me that was PURE bliss!

Anyway I think mum got tired of it, and she was constantly on my back to do this, or to do that...but never mind. Yesterday and today we spent up at nan's house (or flat) which is on the same property as my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins.

So on the Thursday afternoon we drove up to Mardi (about an hour and a half out of Sydney). Though instead of spending the day driving three hours up there we detoured past Koorong (christian book-shop)... if you know us well you would know not to EVER under ANY circumstance leave me and my mum to shop ALONE in Koorong.

So all in all during our shopping expedition we bought...are you ready? We bought four books, two of those were compilations (more than one book in the actual book) so yeah plenty of holiday reading in our house hold! Ohhh and don't forget we bought one C.D as well,

Audrey Assad - The House You Building, see her new album HERE

It's pretty awesome if you ask me, I love her voice. It's so pretty =D. Anyway back on track, what we're doing this holidays. Soo, we'll be leaving nan's place this afternoon after she's gone to the doctor and we'll head on home, home to the ILLAWARRA!

But this won't be the only exciting expedition we'll make these holidays, we'll going down the coast this time (as oppose to up the coast to nan's place)... TO CANBERRA! YAY!

So we're planning on going down the coast to see my Aunts. So it will be a three day road-trip,
1st day: We'll travel down to Aunty Robyn's house but to ease the pain of travelling we may stop in Bowral, and do a little bit of shopping and looking around.

2nd day: On the second day we're going to be going to the annual Floriade Festival, then afterwards we'll be off to go see Aunty Lorna.

3rd day: So on the third day we'll be heading home, but not directly, no, we're going to be going through Mogo town, to yes you guessed it, SHOPPING, well not just shopping it'll be nice just to look around.

So yeah, that's holidays for me, that's my plans. It'll be good! I'll take plenty of pictures for you all and post as often as I can. Canberra HERE WE COME!