Saturday, 25 December 2010
MERRY...wait for it...CHRISTMAS!!!
Today around the world a day of joy, love and peace is being celebrated. This won't be a long post, not even a medium OR small post, it will be tiny! But I wanted to take the time to wish all my 'many' readers and followers a very, very, Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Day 1 - Camping, Pebbly Beach
Ok, so here goes, if any of you are curious of the whereabouts of 'Pebbly Beach', it is about a 15 minute drive out of Batemans Bay. If you don't know where that is look it up on google earth or something.
Anyway today was the day we were going to be making the trip down the coast to Pebbly, we woke up in the early hours of the morning and quickly finished whatever packing that had not been completed the night before.
When all was packed (TIGHTLY might I add) into the car we were off driving down the road (at 7:00am) towards Kiama to go pick up my bestie - Kaitlin. By the time we picked her up it was around 7:15am.
It was a long drive and the time felt increased by an hour because of all of the cushions we were squashed in the back with, it was like, "I feel like I'm sitting in a over-packed cupboard where you desperately try and hold back the contents from raining out on you when you open the door".
Anyways when we finally arrived it was 9:30am making the trip about two and a half hours long. We hadn't traveled down to Pebbly for about two years now, AND it used to be an ANNUAL trip!
But the old dusty that you would travel down to get to the entrance of the national park had millions.....and I mean MILLIONS of potholes, so instead of a leisurely ride through a gorgeous old forest we were sitting on the edges of our seats telling dad if there was a pot hole coming up so he could avoid it, it amazing how much shadows can look like potholes!

Anyway we did arrive safely and when we drove into the campground a strange sense of nostalgia came over me, I have such fond memories of this campground and this area as a child, actually ever since I was a baby, a newborn, me and my family came here for about a week each year.
As soon as we arrived we bounded out of the car and walked down to the beach for a bit of exploring, we walked along the beach heading towards the next 'beach' along, Pebbly Pebbly Beach, (for clarification the shore is all pebbles) we didn't quite go that far though. We found a couple of nice pebbles and shells but we didn't stay there for to long because we knew that we still had 3 tents to completely set up.
We helped dad set up the big tent for a while but, when the majority of it was finished we wanted to go back down to the beach, this time we went in the same direction this time constantly bending over to pick up shells, we walked along and along this time going all the way to Pebbly Pebbly Beach, but sadly, although it was probably for the best, I forgot my camera.
As we made our way back to the camp almost an hour later we had a seawater fight and both of us got ourselves fairly soaked, so yeah, it was a good thing that I forgot my camera.
By this time of day it was lunchtime and we indulged ourselves with the finer things in life, basically my lunch was a nuttella sandwich on white bread, mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm .... YUM!
One of my fondest memories of our once annual journey down to Pebbly Beach was the fact that wildlife there was very much used to humans and human attention and from my earliest memories I remember feeding the extravagant bird life and even the kangaroos. But this trip you would only see the 'roos early morning and late afternoon. And as for the bird life it seemed as if they hadn't been hand fed in years!!!!
But I stood there for a while after lunch with a handful of seed trying to lure one very timid King Parrot. Eventually I guess the temptation was to much for him because eventually he launched himself from the tree's branches onto my now aching arm that held his dream.....SEED!

The King Parrot...

And again...

A Rosella...
So yeah we pretty much ignored the greenies safety-non-scientifically-proven-signs saying 'PLEASE DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS', well they survived fine before so those silly sign writers can just go and let us and the birds and other wildlife just do what we like. Ugh.
Anyway we left the birds to enjoy what was a heaven in the life as they know it, and headed out on another walk, yes to the beach, this time we went prepared and we brought with us little disposable plastic bags that would probably annoy those greenies even more. Hahaha.
Anyway, we filled those up on our walk, but I think this was my favourite walk of the day, we kind of just sat on the rocks and watched the waves roll in each time bringing different shells and pebbles for us to look at pick up and admire...then add to our bags.

What we found....

It was mid-afternoon now, and since we really didn't bring anything except for cans of tuna and spreads we needed to go shopping, so we headed into Batemans Bay. We filled up our trolley and headed back home.....nothing much interesting about that =D.
On this walk we sat in the sand talked, built sandcastles and ran around, Kaitlin went NUTS! Like SUPER NUTS!!!! We dug holes...."Must...Reach.....Water.....Must.....Reach....Water", so yeah that was good fun. We were doing that for awhile, but the we kinda got hungry so we headed back to camp for dinner.
We helped prepare dinner, then when it got dark we sat around the gas light for awhile, but after this full long day we were ready to go to bed, so we did, at nine that night we called it quits and went to bed.
In the process of getting into my P.J's that night I found that I was severely sunburned on my back and upper arms from constantly facing the sun on all of our was very hard to go to sleep that night.
Anyway, me and Katie needed to pee in the middle of the night so we got up and exited the tent, now when we went on one of our walks in middle of the day mum and dad happened to see one very large goanna.
They told us stories about how arrogant it was and all of that, but the one crucial detail they somehow forgot to mention to us was that they don't come out at night. So back to needing to pee.
We walked straight out of our little dome tent and there was this possum sitting there, we weren't too affected by that, but it certainly reminded us about the goanna, so we edged around it (the possum), and began the journey to the toilet.
At every little crunch or crack we would swing our torches around the place and look for an animal (goanna), and then huddle closer together, let me tell you, it was an experience that night, but we made it, to the toilet and back to our tent.
It was the perfect end to one very full and long first day of camping...

More stories to be told soon.....on Day 2.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Home Sweet, Sweet, Home!
Yay, we're finally home from Pebbly Beach, it was AWESOME!! I had so much fun. I won't go into detail about the trip at this imediate moment, as I will be updating what happened day by day.
Although yes I know, this post has been quite delayed considering I arrived home last Saturday, but with all do respect my big bro, Anthony...who has taken up residence overseas, Denmark to be specific, came home on Monday and I have been relishing my time with him, as I know it's short, he'll be leaving us to go back in three weeks time.
Although yes I know, this post has been quite delayed considering I arrived home last Saturday, but with all do respect my big bro, Anthony...who has taken up residence overseas, Denmark to be specific, came home on Monday and I have been relishing my time with him, as I know it's short, he'll be leaving us to go back in three weeks time.
So it's been's everyones Chrissy *wink* going? Finally all my pressies have been purchased and I'm nearly done wrapping them all. I LOVE, I mean LOVE the Christmas season and although for some people it's a stressful and non-happy time of the year it's the complete opposite for me.
I feel so happy during the Christmas season, it's such a time of joy, this is Jesus' birthday. And I love the fact that as we wander aimlessly through the shops and the supermarkets, that the music playing is (mostly) praises to our king, unbeknown to the passers by or the employees they are filling their minds with songs of our Saviour!
I just love it!!! But any way, I will soon post a day by day, diary of our experiences camping, forgive me if it's not posted/begun until after Christmas, but I will do my best.
Thank-you for the wonderful year this has been and I want to wish all my readers a very, merry Christmas!
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Saturdays usually go in this sort of pattern...
1. Wake up
2. Go back to sleep, still tired
3. Bored in bed, get up
4. Get on computer check out FaceBook
5. Have shower, etc. etc.
I think you get my drift, they are not all THAT interesting, some Saturdays, to add dome spice we have a youth outing to Kiama or maybe a church sausage sizzle (how exciting *sarcasm*), considering it's late at night on a Saturday forgive me for my boredom.
1. Wake up
2. Go back to sleep, still tired
3. Bored in bed, get up
4. Get on computer check out FaceBook
5. Have shower, etc. etc.
I think you get my drift, they are not all THAT interesting, some Saturdays, to add dome spice we have a youth outing to Kiama or maybe a church sausage sizzle (how exciting *sarcasm*), considering it's late at night on a Saturday forgive me for my boredom.
Today was not so bad, we did have a youth thing, and we did have a sausage sizzle, and I still did that list up above (in case you forgot,scroll to top and re-read =D), so already my day was turning out to be better than most.
Today was actually our church's 'Battle of the Bands', I was largely involved with the pieces we were doing so that was good fun. We got down to church at around 3:30-ish and did a little practice, now the church that we battling it out with (Canberra) were running about an hour behind schedule so...that delayed things.
But anyway when they finally arrived we had good fun, We sang 4 songs
1. Hosanna - Hillsong -
2. None But Jesus - Hillsong - (which I led)
3. East To West - By Me - The lyrics are in this post.
4. Lord Your Holy - Done by a number of people - We sung it some thing like this -
So yeah, check that stuff out, it's pretty awesome and if your wondering who won? Well, the youth leaders decided that since we were both SO good =D, they decided to not make it a competition, so no-one REALLY won, which is ok, I like it that way, nobody is better than the other or anything like that.
So yeah this Saturday was good! I'll post again soon.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
A Season of Joy!
Christmas is on it's way, and one week ago I was sure I could feel the breath of summer...but now...God has opened the floodgates of heaven. And as disappointing as the lack of sun may be...and the hilarity that my friend is peeling while it's cold-ish...I think that the rain is simply GLORIOUS!
I think (I know...isn't it amazing!)...hahaha...anyway, I think that the rain smells GREAT. I think that rain can both heal and destroy a land, rain has the power to either cheer people up or make people feel worse.

Rain! I just love it! And because our school is on a flood plain we get SO SO many puddles when it rains, my friends and I spend much of our school days 'Singing in the Rain', or 'Splashing in the Rain'!

Speaking of school I'm counting down the days till it's let out!!! I'll miss two days to go camping down the coast at Pebbly Beach! SOO looking forward to it. Thank-fully I won't be alone camping away with my mum and dad, my bestie Kaitlin will be joining us...YAY....
Dreaming of beach filled days, trips to Mogo town and zoo, sunburn, sunrises...ahhhh....Can't wait! The glories of camping! We used to always go camping as a family but now with both Nic and Ant living overseas, it makes camping as a family difficult.
Even with Ant coming back for Chrissy this year he won't be able to make it in time for our camping trip...*tear*....but we'll survive, May his praise be continually on my lips...
Ok...going back to Christmas. Today I gave out my first Christmas presents of the season, little brown paper packages tied up with coloured ribbons (Gorgeous, if I do say so myself!), these were for all my bestest buddies! Candles for one, headbands for another, a watch for someone special, and a pencil case to reflect ones personality.
Christmas shopping is now at full speed. Ideas are rushing in and out of my head, along with the money in my near empty wallet =D, but thats ok, God will provide all my needs according to his riches in glory!
And my prayer daily is that during this busy, but merry season, we will continue to have God at the TOP of our priority list instead of the shopping, the cooking, and even the giving, that we will remember the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas, and make the TRUTH the centre of it.
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