Wow, what glorious days we have had down here this past week. Boy I felt sure that is was summer not spring! But glorious as it was today the floodgates of heaven were opened and down came the rain.
But let's look at the beautiful week that has just passed us by... the afternoons were perfect for enjoying the sunshine,

Hoping to get a tan one of these days.....preferably not skin cancer....just a little sun absorption =D.
But yeah, it's bee real nice over here in Australia. We have our yearly exams on at the moment, so your prayers would be accepted graciously. Blue Skies will be comin' soon...I hope....
The gardens are alive with colour and life, how many gorgeous spring butterflies I have seen, with the sun on my back I could sit in a garden all day taking photo after photo of the little joys in life that God has provided us with.

And even more than that our garden is in it's prime time! We have gorgeously big tomatoes growing great! Just pulled in a big crop of rocket, spinach and strawberries, I'm even beginning to some baby squashes! Flowers are everywhere, showing that fruit is on it's way...
Can't wait to get picking!! I can't wait for summer! I can't wait for camping, I can't wait till Christmas!!!!