
Friday, 16 July 2010

H.K. - Day 10

Wow, come to think of it my time here is almost up, and it really should only be beginning... it's sad to think that the world spins to fast for us to notice, but when we look behind us you think, wow that felt like I did it yesterday but in fact it's already a month afterward.

So live life to the full just like it says in John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Anyways, what did I do today? Well, the morning as usual we did what we do... and in the arvo/lunchtime...we...

When Lana went to sleep for her nap, Nicole and I went to T.K.S again, this time to buy. I went to T.K.S without my mind made up, there were pros and cons to both of the MP3 players I was looking at.

In the end I was leaning towards the newer model, but there was one thing that annoyed me, in the end after I played around with the display one for a while I worked out how to delete it. I was SO happy because if you know me, I am a blonde inside and out, and I worked it out. MAJOR milestone here people!

Anyway, since I worked out how to get rid of what I didn't like I was quite happy to buy that one. Later on in the evening I showed it to Bernard and he was very impressed with all it gadgets and little knick knack things. All in all I think I made the right decision here.

When we came home form T.K.S, we rushed to the grocery store as we needed to get some fruit for the bible study that was being held at Nic's house this afternoon (the same group that took us to the peak for afternoon tea).

We had several plates of fruit in the fridge by the time our visitors arrived, when the fruit had cooled down to be below room-temperature we put them on the table by that time everyone and arrived.

The bible study went well, and the conversation was inspiring. I was a little bit lost mainly because I hadn't been there for the previous bible studies but that's ok, I got the general gist of things.

When everyone had gone we were left with the pile of toys to sort and pack away...the joy =D. But in reality it didn't take THAT, that long.

We spent the evening reading and talking, I showed off my MP3 player, which as I said before impressed Bernard. I'm glad though I feel as if I made the right decision after all the thinking and looking we did.

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