
Saturday 1 January 2011


Well......a year has gone much has happened.....I don't even know what to say really. It went by so fast people have changed, I have changed, and it all went by in the blink of an eye. What I thought was new suddenly became old and made way for something else that is new.

Well saying goodbye is never easy, and each time New Years comes around we say goodbye to everything that has happened in the passing year, all of the situations, good or bad and everything else that is holding us back from a new year and a new start.

But what we should always hold onto from every year that has passed and every year that is coming are the memories and the joys of what 2010 has been for us. This is a new time. Fresh. Anything can happen this year, and I'm looking forward to it!

This year is a time of moving forward, putting away all of the things that are going to pull me down, pull me away, and I'm holding onto everything that is going to bring me up and push me forward.

I want to dedicate this year to God, and every year that I'm going to be alive for, to him. This year is a time of change, a time to put our resolutions into action!

So Lord? What are you going to do for me this year? I want to present to myself, as a living sacrifice unto you, use me as you will, for your purpose. That I may shine for you and for your glory. That this year will be yours and that all my dreams and desires will become yours, Lord you are my new year resolution! I pray that during this year I will do what is pleasing to you, that I will make a difference for you! Amen.

What are you going to do in the coming year?

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